Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chess Royal 3d Alterable Terrain Chess

 Chess Royal 3d is a 3 dimensional alterable terrain chess board. I created this game in 2012. 

The rules are the same as chess but for one minor change. All the pieces must take one step up or down. This rule gives the need to change the terrain around for a more strategic positioning in the terrain against your opponent. 

The Board starts out as one level playing field in the Beginning of the game
During each turn you have the option to move a playing block around in any position on the board. This gives you a slight advantage against your opponent  while you move chess pieces on the chess board terrain.
There are two purple squares that represent a transporter movement from each side of the board that can be change in position for multiple transportation in the position of your chess pieces.


Anonymous said...

What happens when your opponent takes a piece off from the "transporter block"? Would they then transport to the other block??

william said...

I love your blogs so much its so beautiful and amazing. keep posting more
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