Chess Illusion 64 is a 3 dimensional chess game based on exactly 64 squares. In my opinion it is the worlds best Chess game based on a 3d illusion. I invented this game in 2012 and I continued to make improvements to perfect the board design. Every piece in in Chess Illusion 64 plays exactly like regular chess but they all account there moves within the illusion.
The Layout is as regular Chess Based on opposite sides of the illusion.
The Pawns are able to move Two spaces in its first turn and then only one space after its first turn. Pawns only attack from a diagonal angle which conforms to the illusion.
Rook move in straight lines.
Knights move in a L shape
Bishops move diagonally.
Queens move in any direction.
The King Moves one space at a time and must stay away from CHECK. If it unable to clear a CHECK it is CHECKMATE and you lose the game.
Interesting Thanks.
I want to buy one of these from you --how do i do that???
this is amazing!!
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